Avengers Story: The White Fang - Just put up chapter 8, gotta write a Disneyland chapter but since I've never been i must look things up.
Little Vampire Story: Dark Obsession - I think I may be done with this story... not many ideas left and motivation has gone down.
Supernatural Story: The Sabrina Moore Chronicles (Book 5) - I'll try to work on the next chapter. The problem is the next chapter is a time travel one and I'm having Sabrina NOT go with Cas and the Boys. I have to think of something else for her to do.
Batman Story: Façade- I am definitely still working on this one but not for a while. Not many ideas left and I don't know how to word things. I have to really sit down and plan this one out to make it a good story.
AvatarTLA Story: The Kyōshi - I might rewrite this or add more scenes in.
CorpseParty/OuranHSHC Crossover: Heavenly Host Club Horror - No clue who to write next. I have to go back and watch my playthrough I did on YouTube.
Fruits Basket Story: Dark Memories Within White Lies - STILL WORKING ON IT. I swear. It's hard though when I have to type what I hear while watching for scenes from the show. There aren't any online scripts... I should probably do that some day to help future writers for Fruits Basket stories
Fruits Basket Story: Memories Locked Away - I don't have many ideas.
Inuyasha Story: Down the Rabbit Hole - I have a few ideas but idk when i'll post the next chapter. (I haven't even started the next chapter) I work on this when I get some free time.
The Walking Dead Story: Surviving Dixon - I've kinda stopped this one.
The Walking Dead Story: Blood Soaked Arrows to the Heart - Not sure what's going on with this I need to watch more of season 4 and get scripts.
Doctor Who Story: Reversed Roles - Not sure...
Metal Gear Story: Metal Gear Spirit - As soon as I rent the HD version of MGS again. (Which won't be for a long while still)
Sherlock Story: The Mastermind Chronicles - I think I'm not going to update...
Lost Boys Story: Cry Little Sister and Say Hello to the Night - Not going to update...
Supernatural Story: Sins of San Francisco - I've given up on it. I'll talk to my friend (who is my co-writer) about it but no one seems interested in it anyway.
Pirates of the Caribbean Story: In Stranger Waters - I'll come back to this at some point. This isn't a romance story so it's not that fun to do.
Bully Story: Manipulative Minds - Not going to update due to lack of ideas and motivation. I'll try to think of some things and see if I can make at least one more chapter.
Bully Story: The New Girl at Bullworth - Not gunna update unless I rewrite this WHOLE thing. (Which i might do if i get bored enough) I might actual sit down and do that sometime before school starts. I'll change a LOT though.
TMNT Story: Multicoloured Roses - working on last chapter, trying to make it longer and have a good ending.
Naruto Story: Plushie Paradise - No idea what's happening with this.
Naruto Story: Save Me From This Eternal Misery - WORKING ON IT. I swear. it's just hard coming back to it after so long.
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