Name: Dawn Cole
Age: 20 (19 at the start of Blood Gun Bonding)
Short Bio: The main character in Blood Gun Bonding. One night her PS3 messes up while playing ME3. The room turns red and shakes from the loud blaring of a Reaper. She blacks out and wakes up, on Omega 171 years into the future, to an Asari looking down at her.
Species: Human
Hair: Blood Red
Eyes: Blue
Height: 5'7" 3/4
Weight: Around 175lbs
Rank: Freelancer (during Blood Gun Bonding) *Pending* (during Blood Gun Bonded)
Status: Alive
Training: Trained in CQC/Hand-to-Hand combat, guns and knifes. Has a black belt in karate. Trained in Biotics by Aria T'Loak and Samara. Hacking.
Affiliations: Afterlife Guard, Vigilante along side Archangel, Freelancer
Aliases: DC (By Joker, Allyna, Daxio, Nelantian, and Garrus), Chi (By Omega and Grunt), Red (By Jack)
History: Before being sent over 170 years into the future Dawn was a recent high school graduate, she worked as a waitress at a local diner on the weekends while taking college classes during on week days and she took karate classes at night.
Her father started taking her to the shooting range with him when she turned 11 then the next year he started taking her hunting with him. He was the one who talked her into taking karate classes and the one who taught her CQC/Hand-to-Hand. Her father was an ex-marine.
She was never really a tom-boy, she still liked to be girly now and then. She and her mother were very close until her mother passed away from Cancer when Dawn was 16. Instead of rebelling and taking her frustrations out on the world she turned to videos games.
After appearing on Omega she was taken in by Aria T'Loak (the only person who knows that Dawn is from 171 years in the past) and trained by Grizz and Anto before she started working for Aria. She meets Nelantian, who also works for Aria, who later leaves and joins Archangel. Nelantian contacts Dawn and she joins the group of vigilantes.
When Sidonis betrays the group Dawn runs to bring Garrus back in hopes of being able to save the group. They get there too late and find everyone but Daxio is dead. Daxio tells Dawn to get out of the burning building, it being too late for him, and to find Nelantian.
Dawn and Garrus work together for the next few weeks. They acquire a new base of operations and soon the three merc groups, Blood Pack, Eclipse and Blue Suns, are joining forces to take them out. Luckily Commander Shepard arrives and recruits them.
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