I know what you're thinking: "You already have 26 out of 41 stories that aren't completed yet and you're starting another?!"
Well I had an idea so I wrote a prologue to a new story. It's thundering outside and I'm listening to some mood setting music Soundtrack to an empty life (Time stamp 01:01:28) and the idea just hit me.
I don't yet have a title for the story but I'm working with my friend about that. I want it to be something to do with thunderstorms or remembering something since the prologue is 5-6 years before chapter one and it's the first time Naruto sees the OC.
Yep it's a Naruto fic with an OC. (No Akatsuki this time, or at least I don't plan on it.) Here's what I want the cover to be like:
It wont be this exact picture; I'll put something together at some point, but this is the "feeling" I want from the cover. That dark, dangerous feeling about the OC.
I've yet to really come up with a name for my OC in this story but she's brought to Konoha during the start of a storm so I was thinking maybe the Japanese word for Storm: Arashi Or Thunder: Kaminari or Lightening: Inazuma or Rain: Ame.
Sunday, August 31, 2014
Starting A New Story
Saturday, August 30, 2014
Back to School on Tuesday & New Avengers Fic
So I go back to school on Tuesday; it's my senior year, woo! I have three study halls for the first semester and one for the second semester.
During those study halls on certain days I will bring my laptop (or just write in mini notebooks like I've been doing for the past three years) and work on my stories. So just because I'm going back to school doesn't mean the stories will stop or slow by too much.
I only have three or four classes that might require me to do homework and my first period is acting and directing for film so if I need to memorize lines or do work I can't work on stories. I need to have good grades this year since it is my last. The past few years I've been slacking. (No math or Spanish this year though so yay =D)
Anyways, I'm also going to be working on a story with a friend of mine. (He goes to my school so we're going to work on the story during study hall too). Someone recently asked my to take a look at an avenges' prompt and me and my friend agreed to do it so we're going to. Not sure when the first chapter will be up but it shouldn't take too long since we have two people working on it about 2 to 3 times a day. (He's in ALL of my study halls).
So to anyone also going back to school: have fun, enjoy yourself (but don't slack too much) and good luck!
To anyone graduating this year like me: It's almost over! One more year! We can do it! ^_^
During those study halls on certain days I will bring my laptop (or just write in mini notebooks like I've been doing for the past three years) and work on my stories. So just because I'm going back to school doesn't mean the stories will stop or slow by too much.
I only have three or four classes that might require me to do homework and my first period is acting and directing for film so if I need to memorize lines or do work I can't work on stories. I need to have good grades this year since it is my last. The past few years I've been slacking. (No math or Spanish this year though so yay =D)
Anyways, I'm also going to be working on a story with a friend of mine. (He goes to my school so we're going to work on the story during study hall too). Someone recently asked my to take a look at an avenges' prompt and me and my friend agreed to do it so we're going to. Not sure when the first chapter will be up but it shouldn't take too long since we have two people working on it about 2 to 3 times a day. (He's in ALL of my study halls).
So to anyone also going back to school: have fun, enjoy yourself (but don't slack too much) and good luck!
To anyone graduating this year like me: It's almost over! One more year! We can do it! ^_^
TMNT oneshots: Scarlet Boutique
Scarlet Boutique is the title of the "story"for oneshots that involve Scarlet (My OC from Scarlet Roses/Multicoloured Roses) and the guys. It's based on the live-action 90s movies (which are my fav).
I need questions/dares for a truth or dare session that was suggested by a fellow fanfiction-er. If you have any suggestions for questions/dares or if you have an idea for a one-shot please PM me on fanfiction. I always give credit.
Ideas can be anything and any pairing.
I need questions/dares for a truth or dare session that was suggested by a fellow fanfiction-er. If you have any suggestions for questions/dares or if you have an idea for a one-shot please PM me on fanfiction. I always give credit.
Ideas can be anything and any pairing.
Tuesday, August 19, 2014
Progress Update (8/19/14)
Avengers Story: The White Fang - Just put up chapter 8, gotta write a Disneyland chapter but since I've never been i must look things up.
Little Vampire Story: Dark Obsession - I think I may be done with this story... not many ideas left and motivation has gone down.
Supernatural Story: The Sabrina Moore Chronicles (Book 5) - I'll try to work on the next chapter. The problem is the next chapter is a time travel one and I'm having Sabrina NOT go with Cas and the Boys. I have to think of something else for her to do.
Batman Story: Façade- I am definitely still working on this one but not for a while. Not many ideas left and I don't know how to word things. I have to really sit down and plan this one out to make it a good story.
AvatarTLA Story: The Kyōshi - I might rewrite this or add more scenes in.
CorpseParty/OuranHSHC Crossover: Heavenly Host Club Horror - No clue who to write next. I have to go back and watch my playthrough I did on YouTube.
Fruits Basket Story: Dark Memories Within White Lies - STILL WORKING ON IT. I swear. It's hard though when I have to type what I hear while watching for scenes from the show. There aren't any online scripts... I should probably do that some day to help future writers for Fruits Basket stories
Fruits Basket Story: Memories Locked Away - I don't have many ideas.
Inuyasha Story: Down the Rabbit Hole - I have a few ideas but idk when i'll post the next chapter. (I haven't even started the next chapter) I work on this when I get some free time.
The Walking Dead Story: Surviving Dixon - I've kinda stopped this one.
The Walking Dead Story: Blood Soaked Arrows to the Heart - Not sure what's going on with this I need to watch more of season 4 and get scripts.
Doctor Who Story: Reversed Roles - Not sure...
Metal Gear Story: Metal Gear Spirit - As soon as I rent the HD version of MGS again. (Which won't be for a long while still)
Sherlock Story: The Mastermind Chronicles - I think I'm not going to update...
Lost Boys Story: Cry Little Sister and Say Hello to the Night - Not going to update...
Supernatural Story: Sins of San Francisco - I've given up on it. I'll talk to my friend (who is my co-writer) about it but no one seems interested in it anyway.
Pirates of the Caribbean Story: In Stranger Waters - I'll come back to this at some point. This isn't a romance story so it's not that fun to do.
Bully Story: Manipulative Minds - Not going to update due to lack of ideas and motivation. I'll try to think of some things and see if I can make at least one more chapter.
Bully Story: The New Girl at Bullworth - Not gunna update unless I rewrite this WHOLE thing. (Which i might do if i get bored enough) I might actual sit down and do that sometime before school starts. I'll change a LOT though.
TMNT Story: Multicoloured Roses - working on last chapter, trying to make it longer and have a good ending.
Naruto Story: Plushie Paradise - No idea what's happening with this.
Naruto Story: Save Me From This Eternal Misery - WORKING ON IT. I swear. it's just hard coming back to it after so long.
Sunday, August 17, 2014
Blood Gun Bonding Profile: Lylia Stanni
Name: Lylia Stanni
Age: 114
Short Bio: (To Be Written)
Species: Asari
Hair: N/A
Eyes: Purple
Height: 5'7"
Weight: 135 lbs
Rank: Former C-Sec officer, Vigilante
Status: Deceased (Killed in the Blue Suns attack - Sidonis' betrayal.)
Training: Biotics, pistols
Affiliations: C-Sec, Vigilante along side Archangel
Aliases: ---
Blood Gun Bonding Profile: Daxio Lithagna
Name: Daxio Lithagna
Age: 22
Short Bio: Daxio and Nelantian have a friendly-competitive relationship and often refer to each other by their last names. They grew up together after Daxio came to Omega when he was 5.
Species: Turian
Hair: N/A
Eyes: Green
Height: 6'9"
Weight: 200-225 lbs
Rank: Vigilante
Status: Deceased (Killed in the Blue Suns attack - Sidonis' betrayal.)
Training: Guns,
Affiliations: Vigilante along side Archangel
Aliases: Dax (By Dawn, Garrus, and Raesia), Lithagna (By Nelantian)
History: (To be written)
Blood Gun Bonding Profile: Garic
Age: N/A
Short Bio: N/A
Species: Batarian
Hair: N/A
Eyes: N/A
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 145
Rank: Vigilante, Tech Expert
Status: Deceased (Killed in the Blue Suns attack - Sidonis' betrayal.)
Training: Hacking,
Affiliations: Vigilante along side Archangel
Aliases: N/A
History: N/A
Blood Gun Bonding Profile: Zeto'Seya Vas Neema
Name: Zeto'Seya Vas Neema
Age: 25
Short Bio: N/A
Species: Quarian
Hair: N/A
Eyes: N/A
Height: 5'7"
Weight: 135 lbs
Rank: Vigilante
Status: Deceased (Killed in the Blue Suns attack - Sidonis' betrayal.)
Training: Guns, tech,
Affiliations: Former security consultant for C-Sec, Vigilante along side Archangel
Aliases: N/A
History: (To be written)
Blood Gun Bonding Profile: Han'Orzh Vas Usela
Age: 27
Short Bio: N/A
Species: Quarian
Hair: N/A
Eyes: N/A
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 140 lbs
Rank: Vigilante
Status: Deceased (Killed in the Blue Suns attack - Sidonis' betrayal.)
Training: Tech, guns, hacking
Affiliations: Vigilante along side Archangel
Aliases: N/A
History: (To be written)
Blood Gun Bonding Profile: Valak Adadril
Name: Valak Adadril
Age: 29
Short Bio: N/A
Species: Salarian
Hair: N/A
Eyes: N/A
Height: 6'3"
Weight: 165
Rank: Vigilante, Explosives expert
Status: Deceased (Killed in the Blue Suns attack - Sidonis' betrayal.)
Training: Explosives
Affiliations: Vigilante along side Archangel
Aliases: N/A
History: (To be written)
Blood Gun Bonding Profile: Allyna Vasia
Name: Allyna Vasia
Age: 212
Short Bio: N/A
Species: Asari
Hair: N/A
Eyes: Blue and grey
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 140
Rank: Vigilante
Status: Deceased (Killed in the Blue Suns attack - Sidonis' betrayal.)
Training: Biotics, guns
Affiliations: Former Eclipse Merc, Vigilante along side Archangel
Aliases: Ally
Blood Gun Bonding Profile: Nelantian Kureiros
Warning: This post contains spoilers
- At first I didn't intend to have Nelantian betray the group with Sidonis though I did intend for him to be alive and later contact Dawn.
- When Nelantian says he "met this guy earlier this week, heck of a shot" he was talking about Garrus/Archangel.
- Nelantian has been in love with Dawn since she joined Archangel's team.
Name: Nelantian Kureiros
Age: 23
Short Bio: Nelantian used to work for Aria, an had an apartment down the hall from Dawn, before he quit to start working for Archangel. The Blue Suns got to him like they did Sidonis, he was willing to be killed rather than betray his team but Sidonis convinced him otherwise. After the attack he went back to make sure Dawn was alive. When confronted by Garrus and Shepard on the Citadel Sidonis says " " Dawn, catching the "us" demands he tells her what he meant. He reveals to her that Nelantian is alive. He takes her to see him and she leaves as Nelantian says "I lo-". After helping Samara with Morinth Dawn gets a message from Nelantian via her omni tool. She meets up with him and he confesses his love for her. Dawn tells him that there was something there before but it's gone now.
Species: Turian
Hair: N/A
Eyes: Greenish Blue
Height: 6'8"- 6'10"
Weight: 200-220 lbs
Rank: N/A
Status: Alive
Training: Guns, Hand to Hand,
Affiliations: Afterlife Guard, Vigilante along side Archangel
Aliases: Nel (By Dawn and Daxio), Nelly (By drunk Dawn), Kureiros (By Daxio)
Blood Gun Bonding Profile: Raesia T'Gani
Name: Raesia T'Gani
Age: 110
Short Bio: She's the first person Dawn meets on Omega. At first Dawn can't understand a work she's saying, she describes her voice as "a mix of a humming and a high pitch ringing that sounded angelic". Raesia ends up bringing Dawn to Ken'Nara's shop to get her an omni tool and a translator. They two become good friends, Dawn's first friend on Omega in 2185.
Species: Asari
Hair: N/A
Eyes: Blue/Purple
Height: 5'8"
Weight: Around 130lbs
Rank: Vigilante
Status: Deceased (Killed in the Blue Suns attack - Sidonis' betrayal.)
Training: Guns and Stealth.
Affiliations: Vigilante along side Archangel
Aliases: Rae (By Dawn, Lylia, and Allyna)
History: Raesia grew up on Omega. She's in good relations with Aria T'Loak, some might even call them friends. (More to be written)
Blood Gun Bonding Profile: Ken'Nara (Vas Qwib-Qwib)
- Ken'Nara is actual supposed to be the Quarian from ME2 who runs Kenn's Salvage on Omega. He's technacally not an OC though I did change the name slightly and give him a last name.
- I had originally intended to have him be my own character since I didn't know he had a name in the game (I didn't see the sign above the shop) I ended up naming him "Ken" before finding out his name was actually "Kenn" with two Ns. I decided to keep it with one N.
- I had Ken's last name be " 'Nara" after I found about out the name "Kenn" to have the N in Nara kind be the unofficial second N from Kenn.
- "Nara" is also Veetor's 'last name' his full name being Veetor'Nara. I didn't know this at the time of naming Ken'Nara so I made them brothers when I found out.
Name: Ken'Nara Vas Qwib-Qwib (Nar Rayya at the start of Blood Gun Bonding)
Age: 18-20
Short Bio: Ken'Nara works at "Kenn's Salvage" on Omega to earn money to eventually get off Omega and continue his pilgrimage. When Raesia brings Dawn to the show he provides her with an omni tool, translator and later an omni blade.
Species: Quarian
Hair: N/A
Eyes: N/A
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 130 lbs
Rank: N/A
Status: Alive
Training: None
Affiliations: The Migrant Fleet, the Qwib-Qwib
Aliases: Ken (By Dawn and Raesia), Kenny (By Dawn)
Blood Gun Bonding Profile: Dawn Cole
Name: Dawn Cole
Age: 20 (19 at the start of Blood Gun Bonding)
Short Bio: The main character in Blood Gun Bonding. One night her PS3 messes up while playing ME3. The room turns red and shakes from the loud blaring of a Reaper. She blacks out and wakes up, on Omega 171 years into the future, to an Asari looking down at her.
Species: Human
Hair: Blood Red
Eyes: Blue
Height: 5'7" 3/4
Weight: Around 175lbs
Rank: Freelancer (during Blood Gun Bonding) *Pending* (during Blood Gun Bonded)
Status: Alive
Training: Trained in CQC/Hand-to-Hand combat, guns and knifes. Has a black belt in karate. Trained in Biotics by Aria T'Loak and Samara. Hacking.
Affiliations: Afterlife Guard, Vigilante along side Archangel, Freelancer
Aliases: DC (By Joker, Allyna, Daxio, Nelantian, and Garrus), Chi (By Omega and Grunt), Red (By Jack)
History: Before being sent over 170 years into the future Dawn was a recent high school graduate, she worked as a waitress at a local diner on the weekends while taking college classes during on week days and she took karate classes at night.
Her father started taking her to the shooting range with him when she turned 11 then the next year he started taking her hunting with him. He was the one who talked her into taking karate classes and the one who taught her CQC/Hand-to-Hand. Her father was an ex-marine.
She was never really a tom-boy, she still liked to be girly now and then. She and her mother were very close until her mother passed away from Cancer when Dawn was 16. Instead of rebelling and taking her frustrations out on the world she turned to videos games.
After appearing on Omega she was taken in by Aria T'Loak (the only person who knows that Dawn is from 171 years in the past) and trained by Grizz and Anto before she started working for Aria. She meets Nelantian, who also works for Aria, who later leaves and joins Archangel. Nelantian contacts Dawn and she joins the group of vigilantes.
When Sidonis betrays the group Dawn runs to bring Garrus back in hopes of being able to save the group. They get there too late and find everyone but Daxio is dead. Daxio tells Dawn to get out of the burning building, it being too late for him, and to find Nelantian.
Dawn and Garrus work together for the next few weeks. They acquire a new base of operations and soon the three merc groups, Blood Pack, Eclipse and Blue Suns, are joining forces to take them out. Luckily Commander Shepard arrives and recruits them.
Blood Gun Bonding Profiles
This is just the link page but if you're reading this post within the hour after I posted it the links won't work since I haven't even made the other posts yet. Try again 8/18/14. They are in order of appearance.
Blood Gun Bonding Profiles
Dawn Cole
Raesia T'Gani
Ken'Nara (Vas Qwib-Qwib)
Nelantian Kureiros
Lylia Stanni
Allyna Vasia
Valak Adadril
Han'Orzh Vas Usela
Zeto'Seya Vas Neema
Daxio Lithagna
Blood Gun Bonded Profiles (Will not be made until the story starts)
Reoku Maurer
Tuesday, August 12, 2014
White Fang (Avengers Fic) After movie ideas
This post is for my Avenger's fic: The White Fang.
After the movie events the story continues with Tony, Pepper, Bruce and Rikku living at Stark Tower (Avengers Tower). The rest of the Avengers (and Jane Foster) show up and Tony decides they should go on a road trip to Florida. This is one of many trips they'll take.
They will go back home to New York after the Florida trip and the next trip might not be for a few more chapters but I'll think of more places for them to go.
The bullet-ed list is hidden, high light over it if you wish to read the list.
(List as of 8/12/14)
~Spoilers End~
If you have any ideas or requests (even if they're very small requests like someone saying a certain line or doing something) please PM me on fanfiction.net.
After the movie events the story continues with Tony, Pepper, Bruce and Rikku living at Stark Tower (Avengers Tower). The rest of the Avengers (and Jane Foster) show up and Tony decides they should go on a road trip to Florida. This is one of many trips they'll take.
They will go back home to New York after the Florida trip and the next trip might not be for a few more chapters but I'll think of more places for them to go.
The bullet-ed list is hidden, high light over it if you wish to read the list.
(List as of 8/12/14)
- Florida Trip
- -Beach
- -Out for drinks and dancing
- New York (home)
- -Middle of Night Hulk Out
- -Tony gifts Rikku with better blades
- ______________________
~Spoilers End~
If you have any ideas or requests (even if they're very small requests like someone saying a certain line or doing something) please PM me on fanfiction.net.
Friday, August 8, 2014
Stark Tower layout for The White Fang
So this is a very poorly made layout but it's just to give a general idea of where everything is. Yes i used PAINT to label the picture. I forget what movie it's from; I found it randomly on the internet.
After I elaborate on the picture I'll elaborate on each section.
As you can see the top three floors (Floors 93,92,91) are the Avenger's HQ.
The floor below (the level where Tony walks along the runway and gets his suit taken off and where the bar is) is the "Party Deck".
The next 10 floors below that is all R&D (Research and Development).
The next 7 floors are living quarters for everyone and the two below that is Bruce's "Panic Room" (His floor is directly above it)
From there down the floors are random and will either be a pool, gym, library, armory/weaponry, etc.
At the very bottom is the lobby and Tony's garage.
Avengers' HQ:
It's actually quite hard to think of what should be on each level since there are three. It would've been easier with just one floor being the HQ but 1)This is still technically Tony's tower and 2) I read that in one of the comics Tony gave up the top three floors for the Avengers.
So in general there are computer stations, monitors, and other fancy gadgets and equipment that they might need split up amongst the three levels.
Party Deck is self explanatory, it's the same as it was in the movies.
These floors are also pretty much self explanatory. In the movie Avengers Tony mentions to Bruce that the "top ten floors are all R&D". I decided to interpret this as the top ten floors below the party deck.
Living Quarters:
Each person/Avenger has their own floor. At the end of Avengers Tony is seen looking at Captain America's square of information for his floor. (He had each square with a symbol for each member. See below pic)
Hammer for Thor, Bow for Barton, Shield for Steve, Helmet for Stark, Something i can't tell what it is for Natasha, and a DNA strand for Bruce. Obviously with Rikku added i had to change who went where and all.
My order is Tony(&Pepper), Thor(&Jane), Rikku, Natasha, Barton, Steve then Bruce.
Bruce's Panic Room:
The two floors below Bruce's floor are combined into one floor. Reenforced steel, no windows, etc. This is for when/if Bruce is going to Hulk out and Rikku isn't there to calm him down (or something like that). In Bruce's apartment/level there's a - I don't want to call it a shoot or a slide... it's like a... - cylindrical tube type thing (like at a water park) where Bruce goes inside and presses a button. The floor will then drop from beneath him and he'll quickly fall into the panic room. The only way for Bruce to get out is for someone to release him or when he's back to normal for him to speak a pass-phrase to Jarvis who will then open the large steel doors leading to the elevator.
As you can see the top three floors (Floors 93,92,91) are the Avenger's HQ.
The floor below (the level where Tony walks along the runway and gets his suit taken off and where the bar is) is the "Party Deck".
The next 10 floors below that is all R&D (Research and Development).
The next 7 floors are living quarters for everyone and the two below that is Bruce's "Panic Room" (His floor is directly above it)
From there down the floors are random and will either be a pool, gym, library, armory/weaponry, etc.
At the very bottom is the lobby and Tony's garage.
Avengers' HQ:
It's actually quite hard to think of what should be on each level since there are three. It would've been easier with just one floor being the HQ but 1)This is still technically Tony's tower and 2) I read that in one of the comics Tony gave up the top three floors for the Avengers.
So in general there are computer stations, monitors, and other fancy gadgets and equipment that they might need split up amongst the three levels.
Party Deck is self explanatory, it's the same as it was in the movies.
These floors are also pretty much self explanatory. In the movie Avengers Tony mentions to Bruce that the "top ten floors are all R&D". I decided to interpret this as the top ten floors below the party deck.
Living Quarters:
Each person/Avenger has their own floor. At the end of Avengers Tony is seen looking at Captain America's square of information for his floor. (He had each square with a symbol for each member. See below pic)
Hammer for Thor, Bow for Barton, Shield for Steve, Helmet for Stark, Something i can't tell what it is for Natasha, and a DNA strand for Bruce. Obviously with Rikku added i had to change who went where and all.
My order is Tony(&Pepper), Thor(&Jane), Rikku, Natasha, Barton, Steve then Bruce.
Bruce's Panic Room:
The two floors below Bruce's floor are combined into one floor. Reenforced steel, no windows, etc. This is for when/if Bruce is going to Hulk out and Rikku isn't there to calm him down (or something like that). In Bruce's apartment/level there's a - I don't want to call it a shoot or a slide... it's like a... - cylindrical tube type thing (like at a water park) where Bruce goes inside and presses a button. The floor will then drop from beneath him and he'll quickly fall into the panic room. The only way for Bruce to get out is for someone to release him or when he's back to normal for him to speak a pass-phrase to Jarvis who will then open the large steel doors leading to the elevator.
The EYE is an original short-story I wrote for my Junior English class. We had read 1984 and were supposed to make our own distopia story.
I posted The EYE under 1984's category on Fanfiction.net but me and my friend were thinking of making it into a full story with my version that I handed in for a grade being the short version.
In, 2032, a world where everything is monitored by the EYE four teenage boys set out to stop it and come home heroes. They've been planning a trip to the EYE for several weeks now and have gotten a believable excuse to not tip off the EYE of their plan.
~Spoilers~ (Highlight to read)
Since it's a distopia story it doesn't end well, obviously. The four boys make it to the EYE, which is basically the building at the center of the dome they live in where supposedly people monitor everyone(much like in 1984 with Big Brother), but there's no happy ending.
~Spoilers End~
I wont give too much away. If you're interested feel free to read it here:
I posted The EYE under 1984's category on Fanfiction.net but me and my friend were thinking of making it into a full story with my version that I handed in for a grade being the short version.
In, 2032, a world where everything is monitored by the EYE four teenage boys set out to stop it and come home heroes. They've been planning a trip to the EYE for several weeks now and have gotten a believable excuse to not tip off the EYE of their plan.
~Spoilers~ (Highlight to read)
Since it's a distopia story it doesn't end well, obviously. The four boys make it to the EYE, which is basically the building at the center of the dome they live in where supposedly people monitor everyone(much like in 1984 with Big Brother), but there's no happy ending.
~Spoilers End~
I wont give too much away. If you're interested feel free to read it here:
My Progression
I've only completed a small number of my stories; a lot of the others are either in progress or hiatus.
When I first started on Fanfiction.net it was because Quizilla.com had 1) deleted all my stuff (Which was later put back) and 2) Fanfiction.net allows M rated stories. I used to have about 30 or so stories on Fanfiction among them were a ton of poorly written One-Shots and "lemons".
When I started getting serious I deleted all of those (keeping the actual good stories) and starting taking my writing more serious. I tried not to write Mary-Sues like I had been doing before; since I became serious by writing Immune To A Siren's Cry (My Naruto Kisame/OC story) I haven't gotten a review really complaining about the character.
I've come a long way from writing tiny chapter stories with poor grammar on Quizilla.com to writing pretty much successful and semi-popular stories on Fanfiction.net.
The stories that I'm really proud of are:
I've always used my stories as an outlet. I'm not the great of a person in real life; I'm not attractive, I'm not adventurous, etc. I live through my characters and I enjoy it.
When I first started on Fanfiction.net it was because Quizilla.com had 1) deleted all my stuff (Which was later put back) and 2) Fanfiction.net allows M rated stories. I used to have about 30 or so stories on Fanfiction among them were a ton of poorly written One-Shots and "lemons".
When I started getting serious I deleted all of those (keeping the actual good stories) and starting taking my writing more serious. I tried not to write Mary-Sues like I had been doing before; since I became serious by writing Immune To A Siren's Cry (My Naruto Kisame/OC story) I haven't gotten a review really complaining about the character.
I've come a long way from writing tiny chapter stories with poor grammar on Quizilla.com to writing pretty much successful and semi-popular stories on Fanfiction.net.
The stories that I'm really proud of are:
- Amethyst
- Blood Gun Bonding
- Blood Soaked Arrows to the Heart
- Down the Rabbit Hole
- Façade
- The Sabrina Moore Chronicles
- The Tail of Coralie
- The White Fang
I've always used my stories as an outlet. I'm not the great of a person in real life; I'm not attractive, I'm not adventurous, etc. I live through my characters and I enjoy it.
Thursday, August 7, 2014
A Few Story Covers
I love to make my own covers; I use GIMP 2 which is basically a Photoshop program.
I've used Photoshop in a high school Digital Art class and i have to say Photoshop is easier but GIMP is free and you can hit undo more than once. Some of my covers are awful but others I'm very proud of.
Not all covers, only the ones that would come up.
Blood Gun Bonding -
The White Fang -
Dark Obsession -
The Sabrina Moore Chronicles -
Amethyst -
The Kyōshi -
Heavenly Host Club Horror -
Memories Locked Away -
Down the Rabbit Hole -
Surviving Dixon -
Metal Gear Spirit -
Cry Little Sister and Say Hello to the Night -
In Stranger Waters -
Save Me From This Eternal Misery -
I've used Photoshop in a high school Digital Art class and i have to say Photoshop is easier but GIMP is free and you can hit undo more than once. Some of my covers are awful but others I'm very proud of.
Not all covers, only the ones that would come up.
Blood Gun Bonding -
The White Fang -
Dark Obsession -
The Sabrina Moore Chronicles -
Amethyst -
The Kyōshi -
Heavenly Host Club Horror -
Memories Locked Away -
Down the Rabbit Hole -
Surviving Dixon -
Metal Gear Spirit -
Cry Little Sister and Say Hello to the Night -
In Stranger Waters -
Save Me From This Eternal Misery -
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